Jessica Simpson given up in seach for Daisy

Posted by AnimalSmile at 5:37 PM

"My heart is broken because a coyote took my precious Daisy right in front of our eyes. HORROR!" Jessica Tweeted.

Jessica Simpson's beloved maltipoo Daisy was grabbed by a wild coyote that then vanished with the small dog, the singer wrote via Twitter Monday night.

But now, heartbroken Jessica Simpson is calling off the search for her missing dog.

The singer, whose 5-year-old Maltipoo was snatched by a coyote this week, is beginning to accept that Daisy won’t be found alive.

Poor Jessica, that is so incredibly awful. We are so sorry Daisy.

Jessica received Daisy as a gift from her then husband, Nick Lachey, at a concert in Dallas several years ago.